ATP Flight School - Jacksonville Beach

Jacksonville Beach Office

How To Find This Training Center?

Receive Free Housing While Attending ATP's Airline Career Pilot Program

For a limited time, Airline Career Pilot Program students who schedule on or after November 8th and start in February are eligible for FREE housing for the duration of their program. Limited space available — don’t miss out!

Call ATP Admissions at (904) 595-7950 to learn more.

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Florida Flight Schools
Florida Flight Schools

Florida Flight Training Schools


Aircraft & Simulators


Piper Seminoles

73 New 2000 & Later Models
28 Refurbished 1979/80/97 Models
All HSI & Garmin GNS 430 Moving Map GPS Equipped


Piper Archers

All Garmin G500/G1000 Equipped


Cessna 172s

All Moving Map GPS Equipped


Redbird FTDs

FAA Certified Advanced Aviation Training Devices



Car Rental
Major car rental agencies are located at Jacksonville International Airport.


ATP has arranged discounted rates for students at participating Extended Stay Hotels. Visit and enter the company code "ATP" when booking.

Hampton Inn
(904) 280-9101
Candlewood Suites
(904) 296-7785
Homewood Suites
(904) 733-9299
Homestead Village
(904) 642-9911
Holiday Inn
(904) 737-1700
Best Western Southpoint (ATP Special Rate)
(904) 281-0900
La Quinta Inn Baymeadows
(904) 731-9940
Suburban Lodge
(904) 928-9200
Military: JAX NAS
(904) 542-3138
Military: Cecil BOQ
(904) 778-5255
Military: Mayport BOQ
(904) 270-5423
Military: Navy Lodge
(904) 772-6000

Contact Information

All flight training program information, scheduling, and pre-arrival preparation help is available from ATP Scheduling at 904-595-7950.

If you are interested in the Airline Career Pilot Program, the best way to experience training at ATP and learn about our facilities is to schedule an Admissions Flight.

Our instructors’ schedule demands at this flight training center prevent us from accepting walk-in visitors. Many of our locations offer tours. Please call 904-595-7950 and we will help you make an appointment.

See All ATP Contact Information »

Your First Flight is Free! When Your Loan is Approved and You're Qualified by Admissions

Apply for Financing »

ATP Student Pilot Flying in Cabin

What Others Have to Say

If you haven’t flown with ATP before, read a few testimonials that we have recently received from other pilots. Fly with ATP and you will see why we offer the best training experience in general aviation.